We would like to present you some of our English teachers at the Gymnasium Verl. In this menu you will find signalments of the teachers. Have fun!
1. What's your name?
Wibke Homberg
2. Where were you born?
In Hagen (NRW)
3. How did you come to Gymnasium Verl?
I studied English in Paderborn and Music in Detmold. I was therefore student teacher in Verl.
4. Which subjects do you teach?
English and Music
5. When did you start your career at Gymnasium Verl?
2002-2004: studentteacher since 2004: teacher
6. Where did you go to university?
At Paderborn University and at the Acadedemy of Music in Detmold.
7. Where did you graduate your semester abroad?
I was in Australia in year 11 and again after the 'Abitur' (was not part of studying).
8. What was the career aspiration as a child?
Having my own boutique or being a nurse.
9. Why did you chose the subject English?
I love the language.
10. What is your favorite English word? And why?
'Sydney', because of the sound when you pronounce it in the real Australian way :)
1. What's your name?
Jan-Henning Kötter
2. Where were you born?
In Bielefeld, Germany
3. How did you come to Gymnasium Verl?
I did my teacher training here - liked it - stayed.
4. Which subjects do you teach?
English and Social Sciences/Politics
5. When did you start your career at Gymnasium Verl?
In February 2011
6. Where did you go to university?
At Bielefeld University and at the the Central Washington University,WA,USA.
7. Where did you graduate your semester abroad?
See number 6.
8. What was the career aspiration as a child?
As a child: don't remember. As a teenager: musician in Ireland
9. Why did you chose the subject English?
I like meeting people and learning new things. Being able to speak and understand more than one language is the best thing you can do about that.
10. What is your favorite English word? And why?
There are two: serendipity and petrichor. The first one because of its sound and meaning, the second one only for its meaning. You should look them up (on the English Wikipedia, for example)!
1. What's your name?
Katharina Berhörster
2. Where were you born?
3. How did you come to Gymnasium Verl?
In November 2013 I sent my application to our Gymnasium. After the first Interview and a walk through the school I had a great feeling and I thought that this could be my future school!
4. Which subjects do you teach?
English and Sport
5. When did you start your career at Gymnasium Verl?
Feb. 1st, 2014
6. Where did you go to university?
University Paderborn
7. Where did you graduate your semester abroad?
Northern Ireland + USA(Tennessee)
8. What was the career aspiration as a child?
forest official :)
9. Why did you chose the subject English?
My High School Year as an Exchange Student in Oliver Springs (USA) in year 11 inspired me.
10. What is your favorite English word? And why?
My favorite English word is: coincidence I really like coincidences! “Coincidences mean you're on the right path” - Simon Van Booy