For sure everyone has asked himself at least once wherefore the “Lebensbaum” is. It is placed on the big schoolyard which is called “Kühlmannplatz” and one advice first: The “Lebensbaum” does not have anything in common with the school, although it is one of its famous characteristics.
In summer 1986 the “Kühlmannplatz” had been remodelled and the community Verl announced a competition for a work of art to be exposed on it. In October 1986 it has been decided that Bruno Buschmann won the competition. His work “Lebensbaum” is dedicated to Ferdinand Kühlmann who has been a Reverend in Verl from 7th August 1886 to the 1st December 1926 and did a lot for the community Verl.
Everybody looking a bit longer on the “Lebensbaum” will notice that the bottom of the sculpture portrays a cross und the crown yields fruits. The cross stands for the office of the Reverend which Kühlmann officiated and the crown with its fruits represents the success Ferdinand Kühlmann achieved for the community Verl.