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Gymnasium Verl

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The ''BOP'' (Berufs-Orientierungs-Projekt = Career-Choice-Project) is a project to give our pupils the opportunity to try out a vocation before the completion of the German A-levels and it is supposed to help pupils with their final career choice. The project comprises a 3-week-internship in the 9th grade, in which the pupils have to work in a self-chosen business. The letters of application have to be written and sent by the pupils themselves in order to recreate a realistic situation of applying for a vocation and to prepare the students as best as possible. During the internship every pupil is visited by a supervising teacher with whom they can talk about the internship and possible problems. After the internship every pupil has to hand in a report about the company he visited and his experiences during the three weeks. Afterward the supervising teachers correct those reports and the obtained marks are mentioned on the final school certificates. This is meant to be an important preparation for the skilled work the pupils have to write in grade 12.

Besides the laboratory in the 9th grade there is a second one in year 11. This work experience is another component of the BOP. Others comprise a visit in the BIZ (centre for information about vocations) and a professional application-training. The aim of this project is to give the pupils opportunities to collect experiences and information about possible future vocations and to help them with their final career choice. At the end of the second internship all participating pupils have to create a poster on which they present ''their'' job and provide information about it. So far this project always has a very positive feedback due to the benefits it offers to all participating pupils.


The project "Abitur - und wie weiter?" is a further important element of the BOP. In this workshop the "Q1"-pupils, the pupils of the 11th grade, concentrate on their abilities, focused on possible vocational aims and enjoy personal consulting and advice by professional coaches.