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Gymnasium Verl

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The choir is devided into two groups.

The group of 5th- to 7th-graders meets once a week and is lead by Mrs Henning. They mainly sing English popsongs like "Candle in the Wind" by Elton John or songs by John Lennon and Sting. Furthermore they're singing some traditional songs. Every once in a while the singers give public performances, where they perform their songs.

The group of 8th- to 12th-graders is directed by Wibke Homberg. The 15 to 20 members of this group meet once a week. The motto of the choir is "Love", and so they sing popular lovesongs like songs by Söhne Mannheims, Sido, Evanescense, Roxette and Coldplay but also older songs, for example from the movie Sister Act II. The choir is accompanied by either Mrs Homberg or a CD. They give performances on a regular basis.