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Gymnasium Verl

Zuletzt aktualisiert:






Dr. Rolf




All students who'd like to play instruments with many others.




Friday, 8./9. Lesson(2:10 pm - 3:45 pm)




046/ "Multifunktionroom" (Multifunktionsraum)


Latest information:


In 2015 the BigBand managed to record again a CD ... more 


The ECA is directed by Mr. Rolf, a doctor of musical arts. The types of music that are played, are Jazz, Pop and Rock. Those instruments can be played in the BigBand:




• flute

• clarinet

• alto saxophone

• tenor saxophone

• baritone saxophone

• trumpet

• trombone

• tenor horn

• piano

• bass

• drums

• guitar






Interview with Mr. Rolf:


How long does the Big Band exist?

The founding of the current Big Band was in 2002, with 10 - 15 members.

Altough there already was a Big Band in the 90s, directed by Mr. Dieter Herbold.


How many members joined the Big Band?

Right now the Big Band has around 40 members.


When and where does the Big Band practice?

The music rehearsal room is the "Multifunktionroom" (Multifunktionsraum/046), on Friday beginning at 2:10pm.


Do you look for new members at the moment?

New members are free to join to Big Band.


Why do you direct the Big Band?

I love to see how students get better and better in playing instruments and how they have fun and travelling to Belarus and the gigs are very nice everytime.


Who can join the Big Band?

Every student who can play an instrument and wants to improve.


The current CD, is it the first one?

No, but the one with the best quality. In the 90s, the old Big Band already recorded one which isnt able to get purchased anymore.

In 2005, we released our first CD called "14 Tracks".